A new roof is alluring to potential home buyers because it is a huge investment for the home’s future, and that is why one of the primary concerns a new homeowner has is the condition of the roof and whether or not it is in need of replacement. Or rather as the seller of a home, you may be asking yourself if you should replace the roof before selling the house. Perhaps you are wondering if it makes financial sense, or if it’s a project that can wait another 5 or 10 years? Whatever the given situation may be, the quickest way to get an answer to this particular Bay Area roofing related question is to get a home inspection performed by a professional.

Should You Replace Your Roof?

In order to determine if a complete roof replacement or just a partial repair is necessary, there are a few questions that you need to have answered in order to come to the best conclusion.

Several of these questions concern finances and construction related expenses; for example, the basic issue of affordability and if you can afford the expenses associated with a Bay Area Roofing construction project. Should you realize that you need a home equity loan in order to finance the repairs, remember that the loan will still need to be taken care of in the process of selling the house. Likewise, another issue you will need to address when debating on roof replacement versus partial repair, involves the ownership and mortgage status of the home at hand. The extent to which you will need to be involved with a Bay Area roofing contractor largely depends upon if you own the house or still owe a large mortgage on it, and therefore are expecting to still make a profit after all is said and done.

Another important aspect of answering this question includes the general housing market in your neighborhood and how competitive the market currently is. Be sure to research the similarly priced homes for sale in your area, paying close attention to the condition and overall appeal of those homes, while considering the fact that a new roof can be that one eye-catching feature that sets your house apart from all the rest in a competitive market!

In addition to the concerns associated with finances and investments, your Bay Area roofing contractor will consider the overall condition of the roof to be the most relevant, or pressing issue for this entire project. For example, if upon inspection there is a leak or potential leak detected, then there is no time to waste in fixing the problem if you plan on having a smooth exchange with the home buyer, as a home with a roof in poor condition will have a more difficult time getting a fair mortgage. Similarly, if an inspector or your Bay Area roofing contractor finds possible weather related damage, such as missing tiles for example, take into account that you could potentially file an insurance claim for damage and save on the repairs. Details like insurance coverage and thorough inspections are key when you are contemplating whether or not to replace the roof of your home before putting it on the market.

Once you cover the basics as described above with your Bay Area roofing contractor, you can feel confident that your home is ready to sell!