When you hire a Bay Area Roofing contractor, you will hear a lot of vocabulary words you may not be familiar with. We have compiled a list of Bay Area Roofing vocabulary in the hopes of helping you understand your roofer when he or she starts on your project.
Asphalt – a darker waterproofing factor that is applied to roofing materials during manufacturing.
Attic Vent – a ventilation system that has an opening in which the air can enter the attic space forcing moisture loaded air out. This helps prevent any condensation problems that can affect your Bay Area roofing or decking materials. Eyebrow and ridge vents are typically used in shingle applications.
Back Surfacing – applied to the backside of singles to prevent them from sticking,
Base Flashing – a portion of the flashing attached to or resting on the deck to direct the flow of water onto the roof covering.
Battens – 1”x 2”x 4’ wood strips nailed to the roof that are used to fasten concrete roofing tiles.
Bird stop – used to prevent birds from nesting in the hollows of the tile. Also used to elevate the first course of tile so that it is positioned at the same angle as subsequent courses.
Blisters – bubbles or air pockets that appear between the layers of felt and asphalt bay area roofing after installation.
Built up Roof – a flat or low sloped roof consisting of multiple layers of asphalt and ply sheets.
Bundle – referring to a package of shingles. Usually 3 to 5 bundles per square.
Caulk – filling a joint with mastic or asphalt cement in order to prevent leaks.
Chalk Line – a line made on the roof by clicking a tout string or cord dusted with chalk. This is used for alignment purposes.
Class A – the highest fire rating achievable by a Bay Area roofing system.
Class B – the modest fire rating that indicates that Bay Area roofing materials can withstand exposure to fire originating from outside sources.
Closed Cut Valley – a valley treatment method in which singles from one side of the valley expand across the valley while singles from the other side are trimmed two inches from the centerline. This way the valley flashing is not exposed.
Coating – the asphalt or adhesive layer applied to the base material into which granules or other surfacing is embedded.
Collar – a pre-formed that is placed over a vent pipe to seal the roof around the opening. It can also go by the name of vent sleeve.
Color Through – color is mixed throughout the bay area roofing material during manufacturing in order to become an integral part of the product.
Composition Shingles – a thin Bay Area Roofing material made of asphalt.
Concealed Nail Method – a type of application of roll Bay Area Roofing in which all nails are driven into the underlying course of the roofing and covered by a cemented course.
Condensation – water change from vapor to liquid when warm moisture laden air comes in contact with a cold surface.
Counter Flashing – the portion of the flashing that is attached to a vertical surface to prevent water from drifting behind the base flashing.
Course – referring to a row of shingles or roll Bay Area Roofing along the roof’s length.
Coverage – the amount of weather protection provided by the Bay Area Roofing material.
Cricket – a raised area that helps the flow of water to the drains.
Cutout – open portions of a strip single between the tabs.
Deck – the structural base for the roof.
Dormer – a vertical opening coming through a sloping roof.
Double Coverage – two layers of Bay Area Roofing material over the deck as a result of the application of asphalt roofing.